Top 5 Tips To Creating Your Dream Closet (On Any Budget!)

Home Organization: Master Bedroom Closet Organization (Seattle Eastside)

Raise of hands: who wishes their master closet looked better?

Closets are the one space every one of my organizing clients drags me into. It doesn’t matter how big or small the house or budget, everyone wants that joy-sparking feeling when picking out the outfit that will help them conquer their day.

Regardless of your budget, I’m here to tell you that a better closet is within your reach! Follow these 5 closet organizing tips to bring your closet up a notch or two.

1. Purge, Baby, Purge

The single best (and free) thing you can do to improve your closet is to get rid of the weight. It’s time to take an honest look at every * single * item in your closet and decide if it’s something that represents the you that you’re trying to be

Marie Kondo says it best: “The question of what you want to own is actually the question of how you want to live your life.”

If you need help deciding which clothes to keep and toss, I have a whole other blog post on this very topic.

2. To The Left, To The Left

Certain clothes don’t belong in your closet full-time. As seasons change, transfer seasonal items like shorts and tank tops into bins and move them to upper shelves or under-bed storage for safe keeping. If you want ideas for cute storage bins, check out yet another one of my old posts that lays these all out for you.

seasonal bins

3. Go All Matchy-Matchy

britney and justin

Matching outfits can be bad. Matching hangers, however, are not cut from that same horrible Britney and Justin cloth.

Matching hangers are, by far, one of the best ways to transform your closet.

It doesn’t matter if they’re the wallet-friendly plastic hangers from Target, sturdy wooden ones from The Container Store, or the beautifully streamlined velvet Huggables from Joy Mangano.

Stick to the same set and face them all in the same direction, and you’ll be smiling each time you step foot in your closet.

Pro organizer tip: Do yourself a favor and move unused hangers to the far side of your closet. Not only will it make grabbing them on laundry day easier, it will help your closet feel less cluttered in the long run.

Home Organization: Master Bedroom Closet Organization (Seattle Eastside)

4. A Place For Everything + Everything In Its Place

Give each category of clothing a home: tees together, blouses together, pants together.

When it comes to folded clothes, consider shelf dividers as a way to assign each of these clothing categories a home. Not only do these dividers force you to put things back in the same place after each use, they also keep piles from toppling down on each other.

Bonus organizing tip: Go the extra step of ordering clothes in rainbow order. Some say sorting clothes this way leads to a heightened calming effect. At the very least it should bring a smile to your face and who doesn’t want that?

shelf dividers

5. A Place For The Small Things

Don’t skimp on the small things. When it comes to more intimate items like bras and undies, don’t feel forced into containing them in a dresser drawer. Pop them into a nice basket and keep them in the closet. This will save you from trekking back and forth between dresser and closet to grab that one bra that goes with that one shirt.

lingere basket

The End Result

These 5 simple closet organizing tips are the foundation to building out the master closet of your dreams. Any of these tips can be done “on the cheap” with finds from your local Target, Home Goods or IKEA – or you can take them up to beautiful heights with more premium product.

Regardless of which direction you choose, the end result will be the same: happy smiles each time you reach for that favorite tee.

Don’t forget: if you give these tips a go, make sure to tag me on Instagram or Facebook!

Shop The Look

Joy Mangano Hangers
Clothes Divider_Solid Shelf
Beach House Storage Basket

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